Sunday, November 9, 2014

This Week's Recap

Quote from the bus to swimming on Friday:
"Miss Foell, do you have any special plans for this weekend?
Wait. Let me guess: report cards."

What astute students you have! It is that magical time once again as we prepare for progress reports to be issued. Although the upcoming week is short, there are still many things that students will need to be focused on. Please keep an eye on agendas this week to ensure that any work sent home gets completed.

This week, Grade 4s began designing their habitat dioramas. These dioramas will showcase their knowledge of shades and tones and, as an added bonus, will contain a student-created creature with at least 3 structural adaptations and 2 behavioural adaptations.

Grade 5s this week looked at the art of collage as used in Pop Art. Students will finish their art work next week. As an example, I created the following with Christmas adverts collected November 5....

In Grade 5 Math, we began looking at dividends, divisors and quotients! We began by using concrete materials to model division questions and then introduced the idea of repeated subtraction of groups. There is a great explanatory video in Unit 3 of the eText that you & your student may chose to watch to review.

We had a very busy Friday this week. We began the morning by making symbols of peace: the paper crane. Thank you so much to our student-teacher Isaac! Our Remembrance Day ceremony was a beautiful tribute and your students were marvellous. They showed respect, responsibility and patience. After examining In Flanders Fields in class, it certainly was wonderful to see Mrs. Riou's class' shadow play version. I feel that it helped my understanding and was quite happy to sign our class card thanking her for her efforts.

After the ceremony, we ventured to swimming ... in the protection of our timely buses! Our bus driver commented after the students got off that he has never been thanked that many times. He was quite pleased with the thoughtfulness of your students!

And after all that activity (and a French lesson), we made our way down to reading buddies. Our Kindergarten buddies helped us to glue tissue paper petals to pre-prepared painted backgrounds to create some beautiful poppies. Your students should keep an eye on the bulletin boards downstairs for their work!

I hope you enjoy your time together & look forward to seeing everyone again on Wednesday. Finally, welcome to our newest student! We are excited to have your ideas, talents and skills in our classroom to share!

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