Thursday, May 14, 2015

Weekly Recap

Things we have learned this week:

  • Simple machines make our lives easier by reducing the amount of force needed to complete a task and/or by changing the direction of force (also, catapults are levers which are fun to test!)

  • Pitch is a measure of how high or low a sound seems. High pitched sounds vibrate quickly & low pitched sounds vibrate slowly. We can see sounds using an oscilloscope. (Miss Foell downloaded a free iPhone app that works as an oscilloscope - which Jasmin was kind enough to test out with her recorder).
  • Foley is created by a sound artist who adds sound effects to movies, tv shows and video games using everyday items.  We know that sound, from watching the opera Hansel & Gretel on Tuesday, adds greatly to mood. Grade 4s have begun working on short skits that will incorporate 5-8 sound effects. 

  • First-hand data is data that we collect ourselves (like survey Ms. Gilroy-Beck's and Miss Mullen's classes about how they get to school). Second-hand data is data that other people have collected. Sometimes it is better to collect first-hand data because, as one student put it, "you can't Google how many birds come to the feeder in your yard." 
  • When we read, we can use context clues like antonyms, synonyms, explanations and examples to understand new words. We practiced this on Wednesday using a Scoot! game. Ask your students for more details. 
  • Grade 6 students do an average of 2 hours homework/ week -- but it can be up to 50 minutes/night if you're not working well in class. This isn't including at-home projects like novel studies. Is your Grade 5 student ready for that? 
  • It's Bike Safety Week in Saskatchewan! Check out the post below for more details!
  • When you eat a lot of candy & then dance, you feel really sick. Aloha!
Upcoming next week: 
  • Monday: Victoria Day holiday (no school)
  • Tuesday-Friday: VAA-W (Writing assessment)
  • Tuesday: Road rules talk from Constable Costanza
  • Tuesday: Grade 5 clothespin racers due (instructions here)
Other upcoming dates: 
  • May 26: Year-End Carnival/BBQ from 6-8 pm
  • May 28: Swimming from 1-2 pm

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