Finally - 15 minutes outside this afternoon! What a fantastic way to end our week! It certainly does get a little less peaceful (only a little, mind you) during indoor recesses.
This week in E.L.A., we have continued our literature circles. It is lovely to hear the ideas and clever reasonings of your students in a small-group setting. We have also discussed different aspects of speaking, including hand gestures, body position and volume, by reciting silly sentences in front of the class. We have begun a new paragraph writing unit in preparation for expository writing. Students have been practicing their handwriting during this time - and I must say there is some lovely penmanship examples emerging!
In Mathematics, we have continued to explore the relationship between fractions and decimals. This week, we introduced thousandths and have worked on converting between m, cm and mm. On Thursday, we explored rock samples using our fancy new magnifying glasses - which led nicely into a discussion on the need for different units.
Briefly, we have begun a new, more balanced approached to Mathematics in the classroom. From my perspective, students are more engaged through a series of lesson activities on the first day of teaching and are better able to complete station activities on the second. For your reference, we generally rotate through these stations:
- Math Talk: Explaining in a math journal how to solve a problem using words, pictures, graphs, etc
- Explore: A hands-on activity where students work with a small group to explore more about the concept at-hand
- Math with Someone: Students work with a partner to play a game which further develops number-sense or students work with the teacher to discuss another aspect of the concept in small-group format
- Math Sense: Students develop math skills using Mathletics
- Math on My Own: Students work individually to apply concept in completing more tradition textbook questions
If you have any questions about the program format, please feel free to contact me!
In Grade 5 Science this week we tested bubble gum and pop to determine consumer value and have begun a research project into the raw materials that go into each product. The Grade 4s made Newton wheels to deduce that white light is all the colours of the rainbow combined. It was absolutely fantastic!
Events for next week:
- Dr. Seuss' Birthday celebrations on Monday - Feel free to wear a costume!
- P.D. Day on Thursday
- Teachers' Convention on Friday (no school)
- If your student is in Grade 5, their speeches have been sent home for revision & finalization. The good copy will be due on March 10 with presentations to begin March 16.
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