We have been further developing our Media Literacy this week with 'commercial scavenger hunts'. We looked for ads with specific persuasive techniques, including exaggeration, testimonials and expert opinion, and presented in small groups our findings. Students have been engaging fantastically with this material and have already begun to show their understanding by developing commercials in Social Studies related either to traveling in Saskatchewan or sustainability.
In Mathematics, we have explored volume further. Volume can be a confusing concept, often mistaken for capacity, for students. Units can often easily be confused. Students developed a city model, with buildings of a given volume earlier this week. I have added a few specific links under 'Math' on the Links for Home page so that students may continue to practice.
We introduced the cubic metre on Thursday. Students created 12 rolls of newspaper, each 1 metre long. They worked in small groups of 5-6 to create a cubic metre. It was as much fun to watch as you might think. Additionally, the visual of a cubic metre has certainly helped us to refine our estimation skills and conceptual understanding of volume as a 3-D measurement.
The question of hockey sticks has come up with regard to skating next week. Students may choose to bring a hockey stick (& gloves) SO LONG AS they also bring a helmet with a face mask. Students whose helmets do not have a face mask cannot be permitted to play hockey for liability reasons.
Upcoming events next week include:
- Recorder order money due ($6) on Monday
- Skating Monday afternoon from 2-3
- Spelling quiz on Friday
- Look-a-Like Day on Friday
Have a great week!
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