- Habitats (Grade 4 Science)
- The Human Body (Grade 5 Science)
- Our Relationship with the Land (Grade 4 Social Studies)
- The Canadian Identity (Grade 5 Social Studies)
- Courage (Grade 4 E.L.A.)
- Respect (Grade 5 E.L.A.)
We also looked at sentence construction by making Silly Sentences.
We analyzed our sentences for processes (verb groups), participants (noun groups) and circumstances (when, where, how). We will continue to focus on sentence construction, introducing types of sentences and sentence variation shortly.
We continue to focus on growing our literacy skills with the Daily 5 program. This week we worked on the 'Check for Understanding' strategy, particularly when Reading with Someone. More information on this strategy can be found here.
A few reminders about next week:
- The Milk Program will begin Monday (blue notices were sent home Thursday)
- School Directory (yellow notice) is due September 15
- Track & Field permission form is due September 16
- Picture Day is September 17
- Home Room Parents note (white notice) is due September 19