Well what a busy week we've had getting settled into our new classroom in Room 208! I've had a wonderful time learning more about each of your students and look forward to getting to know them better.
This week in the classroom, we've focused on teamwork. As a split class, students will need to feel comfortable working in small groups. Teams this week have talked about partner choice after the Solo Cup Challenge...
... and discussed the importance of planning and communication following the Marshmallow Tower Challenge.
In Math, the Grade 5s have begun to investigate patterning. First, we helped the queen grow her castle bigger and are now reviewing pattern rules. We will end the unit with the same castle investigation and a unit test in a few weeks' time. I'll touch on homework policies more at the open house, but any Math worksheets that are not finished during class time are expected to be done at home. Please contact me with any questions regarding this policy.
We have also begun the foundational lessons for the Daily 5 program, which focuses on daily writing, reading and word activities to build literacy skills. We have focused on several skills, including picking 'Good Fit' books using the I PICK acronym. Should you be interested in learning more, please click
here for a Daily 5
Parent Pipeline about Good Fit books. Once we are settled, we will start our weekly Spelling program (September 15). Keep an eye out for more of
Parent Pipelines in the future!
I feel that we have sent home quite a few notices lately. To summarize....
- The school's welcome BBQ & 'Meet the Teacher' will be September 11 at 6. The open house times has changed. The BBQ will be from 5.30-6.30. Classrooms will be open from 6-7.
- A 'Technology Contract' was sent home with students to be signed & returned as soon as possible. This outlines the general expectations for laptop/computer/iPad use at the school.
- Scholastic book orders were sent home & are due back September 12.
- Track & Field permission forms are due September 15 with $1.50 to cover the cost of the bus. Parent volunteers would be warmly welcomed to this event on September 23rd.
- The online payment system is now working. There is a $4 cost associated with the agendas which have been distributed. Please pay online or send cash with your student if you have not yet done so.
- Lunchroom information sheets have been sent home (pink). Please complete & return.
- A media release form was sent home (green). Please complete & return.
I look forward to meeting with you at the open house. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to set up another time to meet.
Have a lovely weekend!